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International school testimonial: Utahloy International School Guangzhou

HR software

At Schrole, we take immense pride in our mission to connect international schools with top-tier educators and administrative talent.

One such success story is our partnership with Utahloy International School Guangzhou, who has been utilising Schrole Connect for the past three years to achieve their recruitment goals.

We recently had the pleasure of sitting down with Sophia Guo, HR Manager at Utahloy International School Guangzhou, who shared her insights.


Connecting with quality candidates

When Utahloy International School Guangzhou initially approached Schrole, their primary objective was crystal clear: finding high-quality international teachers for their institution.

Already familiar with Schrole, Connect was an easy transition for the HR and recruitment staff at Utahloy.

“Schrole is a well-know platform attracting a lot of candidates from around the world.

“Since signing up for Schrole, we’ve been able to recruit quality teachers and administrators to ensure our school operates smoothly.

“In our opinion, the best feature of Connect is the sheer quantity of the candidates.”


Customer service that exceeds expectations

For Utahloy International School Guangzhou, the level of customer service and professionalism they received from Schrole greatly exceeded their expectations.

“We have been impressed by how Schrole account managers actively communicating with school leaders.

We’re always being informed about new products or recruitment fairs.”


HR software solutions with Schrole Connect

Sophia Guo and Utahloy International School Guangzhou’s positive experience with Schrole Connect showcases Schrole’s commitment to bridging the gap between international schools and educators.

Utahloy International School Guangzhou have not only discovered outstanding educators who have made an immediate impact on their community but have benefited from Schrole’s industry leading technology and customer service.

On a scale of 1-10, Sophia rated her likelihood of recommending Schrole to others as 7/10, underscoring the impact we’ve had on her school’s recruitment efforts.

“If you’re an international school considering Schrole, I recommend you go for it!”



Full access

To career opportunities across the globe

$50 USD per year
Paid membership
  • Ability to create a unique educator profile that holds your references and important documents, such as teaching qualifications, all in one location.
  • Access to our entire database of 400+ international schools representing 100+ countries.
  • 5,000+ teaching vacancies every recruitment season.
  • Unlimited number of job applications.
  • Custom alerts so you’re the first to hear when your preferred roles are posted.
  • Access to virtual and in-person recruitment events with school leaders and recruiters.

Limited access

To career opportunities across the globe

Free membership
  • Ability to create a unique educator profile that holds your references and important documents, such as teaching qualifications, all in one location.
  • Access to our entire database of schools to discover your next teaching role.
  • Submission of three job applications.

We have managed to land many strong teachers through Schrole's comprehensive platform. In our option, the best feature of Schrole's platform are the candidate references. The customer services has exceeded our expectations.

Bryan Van Scoyk Director
Life School Guatemala

Life School Guatemala