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How to communicate with influence in international education

International teachers

As an international school leader, your ability to communicate effectively is crucial to your success. Whether you are speaking with your faculty and staff, parents, students, or community stakeholders, your words have the power to inspire, inform, and motivate.

However, communicating with influence in an international education setting can be challenging, especially when dealing with diverse cultures, languages, and backgrounds.

In this blog post, we’ll explore our tips and strategies to help you communicate with influence in international education.


Tip 1: Be aware of cultural differences

One of the biggest challenges of communicating in an international education setting is navigating cultural differences. It’s essential to be aware of cultural nuances, customs, and beliefs that may impact communication. For example, in some cultures, direct communication is preferred, while in others, indirect communication is more appropriate.

By understanding cultural differences, you can tailor your communication style to better connect with your audience and avoid misunderstandings.


Tip 2: Speak the language

While it may not be feasible to learn every language spoken by your school community, making an effort to learn key phrases and greetings in different languages can go a long way in building relationships and demonstrating cultural sensitivity.

Additionally, providing translation services or hiring bilingual staff members can help ensure that everyone can understand and participate in important conversations.


Tip 3: Be clear and concise

Effective communication is clear and concise, especially when dealing with complex issues. Avoid using jargon or technical terms that may be confusing, and use language that is easy to understand. Additionally, use visuals and other tools to supplement your message and make it more engaging.


Tip 4: Listen actively

Communication is a two-way street, and listening is just as important as speaking. Actively listen to your audience and respond to their needs and concerns. By demonstrating that you value their input, you can build trust and foster a more collaborative relationship.


Tip 5: Use storytelling

People are naturally drawn to stories, and using storytelling can be a powerful way to communicate your message. Stories help to make abstract concepts more concrete and relatable, and they can help people connect with your message on an emotional level.

Whether you are sharing a personal anecdote or using case studies to illustrate your point, incorporating storytelling into your communication can make a significant impact.


Tip 6: Emphasise the why

People are more likely to be motivated by the “why” behind a message than the “what.” When communicating with your school community, be sure to emphasise why something is important and how it will benefit them. By highlighting the broader purpose and impact of your message, you can help people connect with it on a deeper level.


Effective communication is critical to success in international education. By being aware of cultural differences, speaking the language, being clear and concise, actively listening, using storytelling, and emphasising the why, you can communicate with influence and build stronger relationships with your school community.

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Meritton British International School