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International School Phnom Penh



Council of International Schools (CIS), IB DP, IB MYP, IB PYP, Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC)



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ISPP is a not-for-profit IB continuum school.

We are very careful who we invite to join the faculty at ISPP because we have spent the past several years growing and developing our staff. Teachers who join ISPP are switched on and very much into their own learning and professional development. The faculty is positive, collegial and professional -- they need to be because this is a very busy school which requires a very strong work ethic. We have high expectations of our faculty and everyone is accountable for our learning environment. For a variety of reasons, that will not be a good fit for everyone, so it is a really good idea to triangulate your information about ISPP when considering us as your next school. You can start at our website and then try to find people who know us or know of us.

Our 10-year re-accreditation/re-authorization reports from 2021 were very positive from CIS/WASC/IB.

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Number of Contract Days


Starting Salary Range

ISPP offers competitive salaries (paid in US dollars) commensurate with experience and education. A seniority/severance of circa 5% and private savings contribution of 2% is paid in addition to the monthly salary. For initial placement, each step on the salary scale represents full years of relevant teaching experience. The maximum entry level is Step 9. After the initial year of teaching at ISPP, teachers advance one step annually on the salary scale.


Salaries quoted in Schrole are indicative of take-home pay after taxes. Contracts are issued with Gross Salary amounts as required by law. Tax is deducted by the school and paid on the teacher's behalf.

Savings Potential

At least 50% depending on lifestyle.


Annual rent allowance per month:
* Single: $750
* Single with 1 Dependent: $985
* Single with 2 or more: $1,045
* Teaching Couple without: $1,085
* Teaching Couple with 1 Dependents: $1,240
* Teaching couple with 2 or more dependents: $1,280


BEGINNING OF CONTRACT: Flight from home of record to Phnom Penh and return for teacher and eligible dependents. ANNUAL HOME LEAVE TRAVEL: Flights based on average lowest quotes for teacher and eligible dependents


No allowance


No allowance. However, most homes come with basic furnishings, and furniture is easy to buy and have made to specifications.

Moving Allowance

BEGINNING OF CONTRACT: US$1500 settling in allowance. END OF CONTRACT: US$500 per contract year up to a maximum of US$2000 at the end of employment, paid against receipts.

Dependent Opportunities

Free tuition for school-age dependents.


International Group Insurance. Medical Evacuation. Emergency School Evacuation provided to teacher and eligible dependents. Pre-medical check including all relevant immunisations at teacher’s expense.




Long Term Disability Insurance provided to full time teachers.


VISAS & WORK PERMITS provided and costs paid for by the School for teacher and eligible dependents.
LEAVE: Sick, Recruitment, Maternity, Paternity/Partner and Adoption, Emergency/Compassionate.
PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT (PD) Opportunities every two years, unless there is a need (i.e. IB new programme and/or introductory requirements) teachers may apply for PD events that are reimbursed up to $1,500.

Positions available at International School Phnom Penh

Full access

To career opportunities across the globe

$50 USD per year
Paid membership
  • Ability to create a unique educator profile that holds your references and important documents, such as teaching qualifications, all in one location.
  • Access to our entire database of 400+ international schools representing 100+ countries.
  • 5,000+ teaching vacancies every recruitment season.
  • Unlimited number of job applications.
  • Custom alerts so you’re the first to hear when your preferred roles are posted.
  • Access to virtual and in-person recruitment events with school leaders and recruiters.

Limited access

To career opportunities across the globe

Free membership
  • Ability to create a unique educator profile that holds your references and important documents, such as teaching qualifications, all in one location.
  • Access to our entire database of schools to discover your next teaching role.
  • Submission of three job applications.

We have managed to land many strong teachers through Schrole's comprehensive platform. In our option, the best feature of Schrole's platform are the candidate references. The customer services has exceeded our expectations.

Bryan Van Scoyk Director
Life School Guatemala

Life School Guatemala