While in grades 6-12, we prepare students for a globally connected, innovation-driven, and largely unknown future. Our students will be: accomplished in all the academic skills you would expect, at ease beyond their borders, and confident because they excel in a particular passion.
At Avenues, science project teachers work closely with teachers of art, English and the World Course to design and enact interdisciplinary learning experiences as part of a teaching team within a grade level. In their role as part of a project team, teachers. Ensure that students act as scientists every day: asking questions, conducting experiments, and learning deeply from the world around them. Our project-based curriculum integrates fundamental concepts and skills from the physical, life, and earth sciences along with design and engineering concepts.
And you will also:
- Ensure that students achieve key learning outcomes, targeting instruction to address individual needs
- Build a learning atmosphere that leads students to feel part of a rigorous and joyful learning community
- Collaborate intensively with colleagues to design interdisciplinary projects and continually deepen student learning
- Inspire trust and confidence among parents and families
Science teachers at Avenues bring all or most of the following:
- A burning desire to work as part of a project-based, interdisciplinary team
- A remarkable entrepreneurial drive, creativity and ability to bring new ideas to fruition
- Intellectual curiosity and humility, to reflect on and continually grow in teaching practice
- Strong content knowledge in general physical and life sciences, as well as one or more specialized topics (e.g. astronomy, environmental science, engineering, etc.)
- Pedagogy that engages all students in interesting, meaningful and challenging work
- Experience teaching science, with clear evidence of student learning and growth
- A strong sense of personal responsibility for the success of every student
Number of Contract Days
190 contract days
180 student contact days
Starting Salary Range
US$ 37,000
Savings Potential
$10,000 single
$5,000 couple
Apartment US$11,000 - US$16,000 / year ( according to family size)
One round trip to home city annually
Moving Allowance
USD 800
Settling In Allowance - R$3,000
8% of each month -received at end of contract
One monthly salary per year
Full access
To career opportunities across the globe
per year
Paid membership
Ability to create a unique educator profile that holds your references and important documents, such as teaching qualifications, all in one location.
Access to our entire database of 400+ international schools representing 100+ countries.
5,000+ teaching vacancies every recruitment season.
Unlimited number of job applications.
Custom alerts so you’re the first to hear when your preferred roles are posted.
Access to virtual and in-person recruitment events with school leaders and recruiters.
When we had a teacher decide to take another job in mid-July, we were left with few options. Historically, it was a tough position to fill. Within 24 hours of posting the position on Schrole, we were able to offer a contract to a more-qualified educator.
Matthew R Merritt
Secondary School Principal
KPIS International School
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